Bicycle Photography

Bicycle Photography: Riding to the ADDY Awards

Last month, I received word that my recently published bike-tography book had won an ADDY Award from the Tucson Advertising Federation. What kind of ADDY? A Gold, Silver, or Bronze? The notification e-mail didn’t say.

But, since bike-tography is the act of combining bicycling with photography, I embarked on a bike-tographic expedition to the Fox Tucson Theatre. The goal: To uncover the type of ADDY being awarded…

Bicycle photography - bike outside Fox Tucson Theatre, Arizona

In keeping with the minimalist, “use what you have on hand” philosophy of bike-tography, I traveled light. Just one camera and lens in that pack…

Bicycle photography - camera carrying pack

Since my ride to the ADDYs was a solo journey, I had to take my own photo. The bike’s rear view mirror came in handy for such a shot…

Bicycle photography - bike-tographer Martha Retallick shoots a self portrait in Downtown Tucson, Arizona

Looks like it’s starting to get dark, and the area around the Fox Tucson Theatre isn’t the most hopping part of Downtown. So, what’s up with the jam-packed bike rack?

Bicycle photography - jam-packed bike rack in Downtown Tucson, Arizona

I couldn’t find a place to park on Congress Street to save my life. The bike ended up at one of the few racks on Stone Avenue near Congress.

Into the Fox I went. Found my book among all the other entries, and guess what? It won a Silver ADDY…

Bicycle photography - bike-tography book in Addy Awards display, Tucson, Arizona

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