Bicycle Photography

Bike-tography: The Book

When I was in my early twenties, I set the goal of bicycling through all 50 of the United States. I accomplished this over a twelve-year period, traveling more than 15,000 miles in the United States, plus a bit of Mexico and Canada.

Traveling without the protective bubble of a vehicle provides a wonderful opportunity to see, hear, feel, and smell the world around you.

Add to this the minimalist nature of bicycle travel. Having limited carrying space forces you to rely on as little photographic equipment as possible. On my bike, I only had room for one camera body and one lens. So, that’s what I worked with.

Bike-tography: Combining Bicycling with Photography presents a collection of photos from my bicycle travels and from ’round-town rides in my hometown, Tucson, Arizona.

Tucson cycling aficionados will enjoy images from these major events:

  1. 4th Avenue Bicycle Swap Meet
  2. Cyclovia Tucson
  3. El Tour de Tucson
  4. Old Pueblo Criterium
  5. UA Criterium

The book also offers photos from 10 of the 50 states that I pedaled through:

  1. California
  2. Hawaii
  3. Kansas
  4. Mississippi
  5. Nebraska
  6. New Mexico
  7. Ohio
  8. South Dakota
  9. Texas
  10. Washington
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