Event Photography

Event Photography: Fall 2010 Bicycle Swap Meet

America’s second largest bicycle swap meet happened in Tucson this past Saturday.

The fall 2010 edition of our two-wheeled buying, selling and trading extravaganza drew thousands of cyclo-philes to Fourth Avenue. And the bike swap had something for everyone.

So, you say you need some new sneakers for your favorite mountain bike? Gotcha covered…

Bicycle photography - Man with new tires at the Tucson, Arizona Bicycle Swap Meet on November 13, 2010

Or maybe it’s a Huret Allvit derailleur for your vintage 1970s bicycle…

Bicycle photography - Huret Allvit derailleur purchased at the Tucson, Arizona Bicycle Swap Meet on November 13, 2010

Does your taste run toward offbeat bicycles? Then you’d love this pedal-powered couch…

Bicycle photography - Pedal-powered couch at the Tucson, Arizona Bicycle Swap Meet on November 13, 2010

Then there was the mysterious case of the super-tall bike with no owner nearby. Want to try stealing this bike? To me, that handlebar skull is sending a message. As in, "Here’s what happens to people who mess with this bike."

Bicycle photography - Super-tall bike at the Tucson, Arizona Bicycle Swap Meet on November 13, 2010

You can’t have a large Tucson event without music. Here are the Bindle Stiffs, a bicycling band that pedaled down from Phoenix by way of Superior. I’ve biked the roads they took — it’s a tough route!

Event photography - The Bindle Stiffs in concert at the Tucson, Arizona Bicycle Swap Meet on November 13, 2010

Like what you’re seeing? Enjoy more bike-tography at my Bicycle Stock Images site.

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