Event Photography

Event Photography: St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2009

Tucson’s 2009 St. Patrick’s Day Parade happened a couple of days ago. But an Ides of March Parade just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Like any notable Tucson parade, it had its own touch of weirdness. If such an award were given, the Green Man Group would have won first prize for having the most outlandish float…

Event Photography - Green Man Group in 2009 St. Patrick's Day Parade, Tucson, Arizona

There was more than a little clowning around…

Event Photography - Clown in 2009 St. Patrick's Day Parade, Tucson, Arizona

What would a St. Patrick’s Day parade be without politicians? Here’s Tucson Vice Mayor Karin Uhlich…

Event Photography - Vice Mayor Uhlich in 2009 St. Patrick's Day Parade, Tucson, Arizona

In addition to providing plenty of curbside space for spectators, I’m pleased to report that the St. Patrick’s Day Parade was bicycle-friendly. I rode mine….

Bicycle photography - One less car at the St. Patrick's Day Parade, Tucson, Arizona

The "One Less Car" sticker came from Tucson’s Peace Supplies, a great local source of bike culture stickerage.

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