Construction Photography

Mark Your Calendars: Water Harvesting Open House

Nature photography - Ocotillo plant, Tucson, Arizona

On Saturday, December 1, Tucson’s Watershed Management Group (WMG) will have an open house at the Ward 3 City Council office. The open house will showcase WMG’s latest water harvesting demonstration site. Here are the specifics:

Water Harvesting Open House

Saturday, December 1

4:30-6:30 p.m.

Ward 3 City Council office

1510 East Grant Road, Tucson

This will include a site tour, slide presentations, and discussion on neighborhood water harvesting for flood control, rain water roof collection with a cistern, and native plant design. The ocotillo shown above is now part of the council office’s water harvesting landscape.

One of the slide presentations will be mine. I was a participant in the workshops that built the Ward 3 City Council office’s water harvesting system. I also photographed the construction process.

Among other things, my show will illustrate how cisterns are installed. Hint: The following photo shows one of the final steps. You’ll see others at the open house on Saturday, and I hope to see you there too!

Construction photography - Cistern installation

Tip: I am available for construction photography assignments in Tucson, Arizona, and elsewhere. To check availability and to request a proposal, please contact me.

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