
Photo Essay: Empty Houses, Tucson, Arizona

The nationwide real estate meltdown has hit Arizona hard. Our state has one of highest foreclosure rates in the country. And you don’t have to look very far to find evidence in central Tucson…

Photo essays - Foreclosure sign in Tucson, Arizona

If it’s not the signs announcing foreclosure, it’s the empty houses. Not all have been taken back by banks. Some may have been occupied by owners who are now deceased, and the family’s still sorting out the estate. Or there’s been a divorce where the property settlement is ongoing.

But they’re empty nonetheless. A few have been boarded up for quite some time…

Photo essays - Empty house in Tucson, Arizona

…and others are see-through houses. No one’s home, and no one’s going to be home anytime soon…

Photo essays - Empty house in Tucson, Arizona

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