One of the great joys of visiting another place is wandering around. Even if you’ve been there before.
Take, for example, Ann Arbor, Michigan, which is home to the University of Michigan. I first developed the habit of wandering around town with a camera while I was a U-M student. It was a nice break from classes, studying tests, and other joys of undergraduate life.
While I was en route to the off-campus office of a college friend, I happened upon this vintage Corvair. You don’t see too many of them now, especially cars that are as well taken care as this one.
Then there’s the University of Michigan campus itself. I was in Ann Arbor for 2007 Homecoming Weekend, and needless to say, the place was swarming with returning alumni like me. Since so many of us were in town, the university had to find ways of entertaining all of us. In the Law School’s Quadrangle, the alumni are treated to a huge tent party beneath the trees.
But first you have to pitch the tent. This hardworking team worked like a finely tuned machine — once one fellow finished pounding the stake, another one took his turn. And ’round and ’round the stake-pounding circle they went.