
Blogging My Book: Wearing Three Hats

Now that my book writing process is coming to an end, it’s time to take a look at what’s coming next.

As mentioned in this post, I’m also shooting the book photos. The final photo selection will happen within a month to six weeks.

Check two hats — writer and photographer — off the list.

My third hat? Book designer.

I’m not doing the layout quite yet. Instead, I’m doing research. It’s as simple — and complex — as looking at other photo books and making notes on how the layout was done. I’m asking myself what was done well — and what I could do better.

And I’m not just interested in the interior layout. I’m also paying attention to cover design because, yes, you can judge a book by its cover. I want to make sure that my cover is the best I am capable of creating.

TIP: Track the book’s progress by subscribing to my monthly email newsletter. Here’s your form:

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