
From Microgravity to Rainfall, Language Learning to Surgery, and Construction Skills to Landscaping

Photo Essay: Shoefiti, Tucson, Arizona

Shoefiti is one of those things that isn’t unique to Tucson. It’s the practice of tying a pair of shoes together, then tossing them at overhead wires. The goal is to get them hanging up there for all to see. This example of accurate tossing can be seen along North Fourth Avenue… Which begs the…

Photo Essay: Homeless Hideouts, Tucson, Arizona

One of the more visible signs of our tough economy is the increase in homeless people. To be sure, Tucson has long been a wintertime magnet for those who are down on their luck. After all, where would you rather be on the streets in January? Minneapolis? Or here in Arizona? In central Tucson, our…

Photo Essay: Euclid Avenue, Tucson, Arizona

Euclid Avenue isn’t one of Tucson’s glamorous thoroughfares. It’s a workmanlike street that takes you past apartment complexes, strip shopping centers, schools, and sturdy little houses, some of which are a century old. While much of central Tucson’s transportation improvement efforts are centering on the Grant Road widening project, Euclid is still, well, Euclid. No…

Freelancer’s Guide to Finding Clients

2017 update: This publication is being revised. I’ve just published the Freelancer’s Guide to Finding Clients. It isn’t filled with pie-in-the-sky theoretical stuff. Instead, this Guide is based on techniques that freelancers are actually using. Like cold calling. While it’s true that cold calling has a bad reputation – and the Guide explains why that…

Photo essays added to my website

I’ve just added a Photo Essays department to my website. It includes essays on: 1.    Post-Katrina reconstruction in Mississippi. 2.    Building a water harvesting demonstration site at Tucson’s City Council Ward 3 Office. March 2019 update: I have removed this department from the site.

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