Event Photography

Event Photography: More than Music

My previous Tucson Folk Festival 2010 posts have focused on the musical performances at this event.

Well, I’m here to tell you that there’s a whole lot more to the Folk Festival than music. There was a wide array of vendors, including this mobile massage therapist…

Event photography - mobile massage therapist at 2010 Tucson Folk Festival

If you wanted to add to your music collection, you had plenty of festival performer CDs to choose from at the Kitchen Store…

Event photography - Music shoppers at the 2010 Tucson Folk Festival

Uh-oh! Looks like there’s some un-Arizona-like weather happening. This sudden downpour caused spectators to run for cover and the sound technicians to cover their equipment as best they could…

Event photography - Sudden downpour forces sound technicians to cover equipment at the 2010 Tucson Folk Festival

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