Live link — Create It: Raised Garden Bed Lumber industry trade association article By Martha Retallick, WIR Contributor Got poor quality soil? Want a garden? Don’t have a ton of space, or would like to manage the space you have? There’s a solution: It’s called a raised garden bed, and we’ll show you how to…

Bilingual Children to Benefit from Language Assessment Research
A $2.5 million National Institutes of Health Research Project Grant through the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders is funding research into the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of speech sound disorders in bilingual Latino children.

Does Rain Follow the Plow?
There are many factors that play a role in whether or not it rains, and research from the University of Arizona shows that human activity such as cultivating agricultural fields may be one of them.

Arizona’s Summer Monsoon Still No Match for India’s
Our stormy season officially starts on Friday, but India’s version already is underway and has caused torrential downpours and massive flooding.

Four Steps to Maintain Your Deck
As with anything that is neglected, outdoor decks can deteriorate and become a safety hazard, but with a little effort, your deck will last for years.

How to Properly Hit the Nail on the Head
While the concept of hitting a nail with a hammer seems so simple, it’s one of the basic fundamentals you’ll need to know before embarking on your project.

UA Surgeon Improving Patient Care With 3-D Art
3-D printed templates help surgeons prepare for procedures at the University of Arizona…

UA Undergrads Conducting Microgravity Research Aboard NASA’s G-Force One
The UA Microgravity Research Team is conducting experiments to determine whether polymers made in space behave similarly to the same polymers made on Earth.