This past Saturday, the Watershed Management Group helped me get my yard into better shape. Permit me to explain…
After I moved in here, I set about the task of planting a xeriscape so I wouldn’t spend a fortune on water bills. In addition to planting low-water use plants, I tried to contour the property so that water would soak in around the greenery and stay away from the house. But, alas, some recent summer downpours showed me that there was more work to be done.
WMG to the rescue.
Early Saturday morning, a WMG workshop leader, eight Water Harvesting Co-op members, and three neighbors joined me for a work party. They constructed berms to keep water around the plants and away from the house…
They rerouted my drainage swale so that it takes overflow from one planting basin and directs it to another…
And they planted low water use trees that will help shade the house…
Tip: I am available for construction photography assignments in Tucson, Arizona, and elsewhere. To check availability and to request a proposal, please contact me.