Nature Photography

Nature Photography: Rain, Rain, and More Rain

This just in: The Arizona Daily Star says, “The three-month period from June through August tied for the 16th-warmest and was the 40th-wettest summer on record.” The Star also notes a summer rainfall of 5.28 inches, which is 0.67 of an inch above normal.

The Star is reporting the rainfall measured at the Tucson International Airport, which is one of the driest spots around here.  At my place, I’ve measured almost 7.25 inches of rain. And that’s without having my rain gauge up for every storm.

This past weekend, my gauge logged almost 1.25 inches from two storms. There was enough water to get the Rillito Creek running briskly…

Nature photography - Water under Campbell Avenue bridge over the Rillito Creek, Tucson, Arizona

The Rillito has proven to be quite the draw for man and animal alike…

Nature photography - Mudflats along the Rillito Creek, Tucson, Arizona

The water also reflects the built environment…

Nature photography - Building reflected in parking lot along the Rillito Creek, Tucson, Arizona

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