Nature Photography

Photo Essay: A Post About Compost

One of the very best things you can feed your garden plants is rotten. Very rotten.

We’re talking compost, people! The decayed remnants of your fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells, tea leaves, coffee grounds, yard clippings, and why don’t we toss in a little straw for good measure? Point of information: You can get a bale of straw at OK Feed & Supply for about 10 bucks.

Being an avid and regular consumer of food, I have more than a little composting material around here. Which I cut up and save in recycled yogurt containers. Those containers live in the fridge until it’s time to head outside…

Photo essay - kitchen scraps waiting to be composted in Tucson, Arizona

Once the contents of my yogurt containers are outside, they get tossed in my home-made, got the buckets for free, twin compost bins…

Photo essay - home-made compost bins in Tucson, Arizona

Since my very low budget composting system doesn’t have one of those cranks for turning and mixing the goodies, I have to do it by hand…

Photo essay - hand-mixing compost in Tucson, Arizona

Well, wasn’t that the loveliest photo ever to appear on this blog?

It’s time to be nice and show you the results of composting. Here are my bell pepper plants, which are growing quite well in a 50-50 mixture of soil and compost from the aforementioned twin bins…

Photo essay - green bell pepper plants growing in 50-50 compost and soil in Tucson, Arizona

And more compost is in the works. Bulk tea leaves from the Food Conspiracy Co-op are getting the water-solar-sun tea transformation. The tea leaves will soon find themselves decomposing in the service of even more vegetable gardening…

Photo essay - sun tea being created in Tucson, Arizona

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