Nature Photography

Photo Essay: End of the Harvest

Okay, so I finally found a great way to wash and dry large quantities of mesquite pods:

  1. Put them in that used produce crate that’s been sitting in my shed.
  2. Set them atop one of my gardens. That feral cat-deterring thorny branch lattice makes a perfect “table.”
  3. Watering can rinses the pods and waters the garden.
  4. Remove the crate so the garden seedlings can get some sun.

Photo essay - mesquite pod drying crate in Tucson, Arizona

What’s this? Big drops of water falling from the sky? Getting fallen pods wet so I can’t harvest any more of them?

Oh, well. This little urban homestead needs some rain…

Photo essay - rain in Tucson, Arizona gardens

Photo essay - rain in Tucson, Arizona gardens

Photo essay - rain in Tucson, Arizona gardens

Alas, all is not well with the cactus in my yard. Some of the prickly pears are ailing…

Photo essay - ailing prickly pear cactus in Tucson, Arizona

I think that fig beetles are the culprit. Why, here’s one now…

Photo essay - fig beetle in Tucson, Arizona

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