Remember when going to college meant leaving your home and job to study on a faraway campus? Nowadays, college can come to you. It’s as simple as logging on to your computer and enrolling in a distance degree program. Established with a $2.06 million gift from University of Arizona alumni David and Edith Lowell, the…
Website Design: University Research Laboratory
April 2015 update: This site was redesigned by the university. On this project, I worked with Terence Monks, Ph.D., head of the University of Arizona Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. My job was to design an attractive, fast-loading website that combines the natural beauty of the Tucson area with information on his lab’s research and training…
Graphic Design: Gulf Coast Rising
Note: The following post refers to content that I have removed from my website. Reason: Flash is not supported by mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This Flash slideshow uses photographs that I took on trips to the Mississippi Gulf Coast during November 2006 and July 2007. While in Mississippi, I worked with International Relief Teams,…
Website Design: Biotechnology Management Consulting
March 2019 update: This website is no longer online. Here are a few of the many accomplishments of Leon E. Barstow, Ph.D.: Created the world’s first commercial DNA synthesizer, which is now in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Institution. Developed and commercialized new products with sales totaling $200 million. Raised more than $35 million…
Travel Photography: An Ode to Airports
I have a confession to make: I like airports. Even in these days of flight delays, lost luggage, overpriced food, and surly service. Among my favorites is Dallas Fort Worth International, aka DFW. Like its home state of Texas, DFW is huge. So huge that it once took me an hour to walk from one…
Website Design: Really Obnoxious Web Page Backgrounds
Looking for something a bit more interesting than the white background that’s currently gracing your current website? How about something lively and different that will make your pages totally unreadable? After all, you didn’t want those pesky visitors reading your copy anyway. In the spirit of giving that has made the Internet what it is,…
Event Photography: Punk Rock House Party
Last week, a neighbor came over to alert me that she and her roommates were having a Saturday night house party. With live bands. "What kind of music?" I asked. "Punk rock," she replied. Now, that brought back some memories of house parties back in my early twenties. Back when this punk thing was just…
Nature Photography: Xeriscapes and a Prickly Pear Cactus Sunrise
Good landscape planning and design is one of those things that a lot of us talk about, and some of us even do it. But, here’s Martha from Reality-ville: I didn’t plan the design of my yard. I just made it up as I went along. And my forary into water harvesting was motivated more…
Nature Photography: Bird with a Large Beak
Okay, ornithology buffs, this one’s for you. I spotted this bird at Wildlife World (near Phoenix) in late 2006. Anyone care to identify him or her?
Event Photography: Phoenix Mars Lander Scores a Touchdown
Yesterday afternoon was a tense time on the University of Arizona campus. The UA-led Phoenix Mars mission was nearing a significant milestone: The end of its 10-month journey to the Red Planet. I was among the hundreds of people who converged on the UA Mall to watch NASA TV coverage of the landing on the…
Stained Glass and Shadows
Stained glass window, Catholic Newman Center, Tucson, Arizona
Bike-tography 108: A Two-Wheeled Scholarship
Back in February, I blogged about one of my Tucson cycling heroes, Lee Rombach. Following his death at the age of 93, his friends decided to offer his much-used (and much-beloved) bicycle as a transportation scholarship for foreign students at Arizona State University. Many of them come to this country with little more than the…
Nature Photography: You know it’s summer in Tucson when…
…your prickly pear cactus swoons.
Bike-tography 107: Weary Push-Pedal Bikers
Came across this mailbox when I was bicycling across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in 1980… Since the day was still young and I had many more miles to cover, I didn’t take Mr. Bishop up on his offer. But his sign typified the generous hospitality I found throughout rural America.
Graphic Design: Out From Here
This is a concept illustration for a CD cover… Perfect for some of extra-spacey ambient music. Or maybe some downtempo chill.
Graphic Design: Hurdles Happen
Ever been to a cyclocross race? This one happened in Tucson’s Himmel Park in early 1998. (Hard to believe it’s been that long!) Part of the fun is watching the riders jump over things while holding on to their bikes. Perfect theme for a postcard…
Construction Photography: Women Building with Habitat for Humanity
This past Saturday, Habitat for Humanity Tucson started construction of its eighth Women Build home. The event drew approximately 100 women volunteers to the Habitat build site at Corazon del Pueblo. Once there, they got down to work with hammers… and saws… Then they put all the pieces together and raised the walls… Tip: I…
Graphic Design: Tucson Travel Card
This one was created for a Creative Postcard Club assignment… We were given the task of designing a card that would promote our hometown.
Event Photography: After The Festival Ends
This past Sunday, I stopped by the Main Library in Downtown Tucson. Just a week ago, the library plaza had been filled with artists and their admirers. The occasion was the 3rd Annual Tucson Madonnari Chalk Art Festival. Even though the crowds have departed, the chalk art remains…
Event Photography: Tucson Folk Festival 2008
"Diamond" Jim Hewitt is a musician, music producer, and web applications developer from Oracle, Arizona. He periodically sends e-mails announcing upcoming gigs. The last one included a promo of his Tucson Folk Festival appearance, and it ended with admonition, "Be there or be trapezoidal!" How could I refuse an invitation like that? Jim was playing…
Graphic Design: Win The Race
This one started out as a photograph I took while watching the 1996 El Tour de Tucson bike race.